In July of 1863, near Gettysburg, PA - a fierce battle was fought during the Civil War. Although the battle at Gettysburg has often been recognized as the turning point of the war, it was also one of the most devastating and deadliest. Over the course of three days, there were approximately 60,000 casualties and 8000 deaths ~ all American soldiers. On November 19, 1863, there was another gathering at Gettysburg. This time the fighting was over (though the war would continue two more years) and the battle site was being dedicated as a cemetary and war memorial. An orator by the name of Edward Everett stood to speak that day and delivered a speech of nearly two and a half hours. Virtually no one remembers what he said. Then President Lincoln stood to speak and though his words were few, the thoughts he gave on behalf of the dead are forever engrained in our history and our memories. Even today, there are no better words to commemorate Memorial Day th...
"From My Heart" are thoughts and inspirations gained from spending time in God's Word and observing His work in the world around me. I want to share how God is working in my life with the hope that it will help someone else in their spiritual journey.