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Showing posts from November, 2012

So Long, Mediocrity!

Recently, I wrote a post about living large . I mentioned in that post that every where I turned, I was being confronted with motivation toward something called 'supernatural living'. This is what I want. I don't want a mediocre, run of the mill life. I want a greater life. As our fall Bible study wound down at my church, I began looking around for something to fill the time between now and our spring studies. I came across Melissa Taylor's online Bible study of the book "Greater" by Pastor Steven Furtick. I had never done an online study of this kind before but I decided to give it a try. I believe this study will be the next step for me in learning what supernatural or greater living can be. The book by Pastor Furtick begins with John 14:12. "I tell you for certain that if you have faith in Me, you will do even greater things, now that I am going back to the Father." (CEV) This is Jesus talking. How can we possibly do greater things than ...

Shine On!

Several months ago, as we were moving headlong into the election season, I published a post highlighting Daniel's prayer for the nation of Israel. On this day after the election, my reflection turns to the second half of Daniel 9 - the answer to his prayer. In verse 20, Daniel says, "I was still confessing my sins and those of all Israel to the LORD my God, and I was praying for the good of His holy mountain, when Gabriel suddenly came flying in...". Can you even imagine! If I were in the middle of a prayer and Gabriel decided to drop by, I don't think a vision would be necessary! I would just die right there! What particularly catches my attention here is that Daniel was STILL confessing. He was making sure every last sin was accounted for. Not only for himself, but for the nation of Israel, too. We have much to ask forgiveness for and this nation is not going to change without the continual confession of God's people. No political candidate is our saviour....