There are times in our lives when we realize we cannot understand what is happening in our world. These are the days we must count our blessings in order to keep from focusing on the unthinkable. MY BLESSINGS: Jesus Christ, My Savior (Without Him how lost I would be) Family (Godly parents, wonderful husband, great kids and step-kids) God's Word (I love it!) GRANDKIDS!!! (Eight little girls, 2 little boys, 1 precious foster grand daughter. I could just kiss them all to pieces!) (Make that 7 little girls and 1 big girl - she'll be 16 next month!) My Job (The very one that stresses me out...) The Basics (Food, clean water, shelter -so many don't have them) My Church (The BIG one and the little one) My Cat (Go ahead. Make fun. She loves me unconditionally) Sunshine (I am a Florida girl to the core) Diet Coke (I's wrong...but it feels SO right. LOL) Music (All kinds. Well - almost all kinds......
"From My Heart" are thoughts and inspirations gained from spending time in God's Word and observing His work in the world around me. I want to share how God is working in my life with the hope that it will help someone else in their spiritual journey.