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What Fragrance Are You?

2 Corinthians 2:14 "But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him."

Do you have a favorite fragrance that you like to wear? Perhaps you have a "signature scent" - one that friends and family recognize without even seeing you. Maybe you have a memory that is tied to a particular fragrance..the smell of a loved one who rocked you as a child, the smell of a favorite dish cooking that reminds you of family gatherings, or maybe even the scent of a certain flower that tells you spring has arrived.

In ancient Rome, when a rival was defeated, the kings would display their spoils of war to the public along with the burning of much incense.To those who were in the "triumphal procession" the incense represented  the smell of victory.

What kind of "signature scent" are you wearing for Christ? Paul says that the aroma of Christ should be spreading to the world through us. Only when we allow Christ to have victory over the sin in our lives and allow Him to live through us do we begin to "smell" like Him. Can others smell the sweet incense of victory in your life? When people see you coming can they "smell Jesus on you" before you even reach them?

"Dear Jesus, Please take free reign in my life so that I may participate in Your triumphal procession. Help me to be so close to you that others can "smell me coming". Thank You that we can have victory in You."


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