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Scriptures to Pray for Our Soldiers

This is a list of scriptures I have been compiling to pray over Jared as he is deployed. Of course, I also pray it for his friends and those who are deployed in his unit with him. Thought some of you might like to use them as well. I will continue to update as I come across more.

Psalm 140 remains my favorite. The entire Psalm can be crafted into a prayer and is so right on for what they are dealing with.

Psalm 3: Be his shield, sustain him, strike his enemies on the jaw.
Psalm 4: Shine Your face on him, make him to dwell in safety - to sleep in peace.
Psalm 5: Let him take refuge in You - spread Your protection over him. Surround him with Your favor as with a shield. (Love this one!)
Psalm 9: Cause his enemies to turn back - to stumble and perish before him. Be his stronghold in times of trouble.
Psalm 17: Keep him as the apple of Your eye, hide him in the shadow of Your wings from the wicked who assail him and the enemies who surround him.
Psalm 18: Arm him with strength, make his way perfect. Train his hands for battle. Arm him with strength for battle.
Exodus 23: 27+: Send Your terror ahead of him. Throw his enemies into confusion so that they turn their backs and run.
Psalm 27: Be his strength and salvation. Keep him from fear. Be the stronghold of his life. When his enemies and foes attack - make them stumble and fall.
Psalm 28: Be his strength and his shield.
Psalm 32: Be his hiding place, protect him from trouble, surround him with songs of deliverance. (Another favorite)
Psalm 35: Do not be far from him - fight for him - let his enemies fall into their own traps. (YES!)
Psalm 41: Deliver him in times of trouble. Protect him and preserve his life. Do not surrender him to the desire of his foes. Raise him up. Do not allow his enemy to triumph over him.
Deut 11:25: Do not let any man stand against him - put fear and terror of them in the land - wherever they go.
Genesis 28:15: Watch over him wherever he goes and bring him back to this land (home). Do not leave him...
Isaiah 25:4: Be his refuge in distress, bad weather, heat and cold.
Psalm 54:7: Deliver him from all of his troubles. Let his eyes look in triumph on his foes.
Deut 31:6: I pray that he and his friends would be strong and courageous - not afraid or terrified. Go with them - do not leave or forsake them.
Psalm 62:8: Help him to trust in You at all times, be his refuge, let him pour out his heart to You.
Psalm 70: May those who seek his life be put to shame and confusion.
Psalm 71: Be his rock and refuge. Deliver him from the hand of the wicked, evil and cruel men.
Psalm 72: I pray that desert tribes would bow before him and his enemies will lick the dust :-) That he will live long and that people will ever pray for him and bless him all day long.
Psalm 91: Save him from the fowler's snare. Cover him with your feathers, be his refuge. I pray that he would not fear the terror of night, pestilence or plague. That no harm would befall him - no disaster will come near his tent. Be with him in trouble - deliver him and honor him.
Psalm 108: Give aid against his enemy. Help him to gain victory - trample down his enemies.
Psalm 112:8: Keep his heart secure - help him to have no fear. May he look in triumph on his foes.
Psalm 116: Save him. May his soul be at rest. Deliver his soul from death, his eyes from tears, and his feet from stumbling. Let him walk before You in the land of the living.
Psalm 118: Be his helper. Let him look in triumph on his enemies. Cut off those who surround him. Be his strength and his song. Let shouts of joy and victory surround his tent. May he not die, but live to proclaim what You have done. Grant him success.
Psalm 121: May his help come from You. May he not slip. Watch over his life, keep him from harm and watch over all of his coming and going.
Hebrews 13:6: Be his helper. May he not be afraid - what can man do to him?
Psalm 138: 7-8: Stretch out Your hand against his foes - save him with Your right hand. Fulfill Your purpose for him.
Psalm 141:8-10: Keep his eyes fixed on You. Keep him from snares and traps set for him. May the wicked fall into their own traps while he passes by in safety. May their rulers be thrown down from the cliffs.
Psalm 142: Rescue him from those who pursue him.
Psalm 143: Show him the way to go. Rescue him out of trouble. Destroy his foes. May he be Your servant.
Psalm 144: Be his Rock. Train his hands for war and his fingers for battle. Be his fortress, stronghold, deliverer, shield.
Isaiah 40:30-31: Strengthen him when he is weary.
Isaiah 41: Strengthen him. Uphold him wth Your righteous right had. May those who wage war against him be as nothing. Help him.
Jeremiah 31:2: Let him find favor in the desert. Give him rest.
Lord, you answered David's prayers in the Psalms and protected him from Saul's army, from his sons, from the armies of other nations - You are the same God now that You were then and we know You can do it again.


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