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Why Are You So Afraid?

Matthew 8:26 "Jesus said, 'You of little faith, why are you so afraid?'"

In my last post I talked about not worrying. I've been worrying. Tonight, I am asking the question, "What are you afraid of?" because I am afraid.

In the passage where Jesus asks this question of his disciples, they were in a situation. They were in a little fishing boat, in the middle of the Sea of Galilee, in the middle of a storm. Wind and waves everywhere and nowhere to go but in the water. They were in a complete panic. Jesus was sleeping. Like a baby.

I would like to think that I would be a better disciple than the disciples were. They had just seen him heal several people, they had seen him cast out demons, they had seen him do miracle after miracle. You would think they would be strutting around the deck of that boat with all the confidence in the world that Jesus could handle this little 'ol storm. I have a sneaking suspicion that I would have been in a panic right along with them, though. You know why? Because I do the same thing now.

How many times in my life have I seen him step in and take care of me and my family when times were tough? How many times have I seen him open my eyes to see that the storm around me really isn't all that overwhelming when he is there with me? How many times has he given me peace? And, yet, here I am - at a crossroad and just can't imagine making the turn. I can't see what is around the bend. I don't know what the future will bring. What if....what if....what if...? Seems like I recently read somewhere that someone wrote "worry is nothing but negative meditation". Oh yeah, that was me!

I don't know what is around the bend or what the future holds, but Jesus does. I know there are a million "what if" scenarios, and Jesus knows if they will happen or not and exactly the solution to every single one. And in the middle of my storm, he is perfectly calm. Not worried about a thing. I just need to ask for his help, step out on faith, and hold his hand.

Why do I worry? Why am I afraid? Because I only have a little faith. But faith the size of a mustard seed can move a mountain. So I'm off, in a little fear and trepidation, to move a mountain. Coming?


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