It is the week of my 50th birthday. Encountering certain milestones tends to make one a little more introspective. I am coming upon this one with a certain measure of uncertainty - where do I go with the rest of my life?
As I look back over the years, there are many moments, decisions, and choices made that I am not proud of or happy with. Without a doubt, those are times in my life where I did not "inquire of the Lord." Over the past couple of weeks studying the lives of David and King Saul, the times they did and did not inquire of the Lord stand in stark contast. The difference between having a listening spirit and a hardened heart is evident.
Certainly, I do not want to end my life like Saul. All of his work, achievements, accomplishments meant nothing because he did not have a right relationship with God. Everything he worked for was snatched away and handed to antoher because he was disobedient.
David was not perfect by a long shot. He did not always remember to seek God in every decision and he made some bad ones. Even knowing this, God chose him as Saul's successor because he was a man after His own heart. How does that work? David was a polygamist, he committed adultery and murder. He was a terrible father. Ultimately, I think it comes back to the state of his heart. His was sinful and "deceitful above all else" just as ours are and Saul's was. But David knew that God was his refuge, he was repentant when confronted or convicted of his sin. His desire was to have an intimate relationship with God above all else.
In spite of his shortcomings, David left an eternal legacy. He had an earthly dynasty that reigned in Israel for many decades. It was from his line that the Messiah would come and establish his kingdom forever. Redemption...
David is a beautiful model of redemption. With all the wrong he did in his life, he sought the Lord's forgiveness and it was given. Not only that, he was used mightily of God in establishing the earthly kingdom of Israel. It gives me hope to think that the poor decisions in my own life can be redeemed and my life will leave an eternal legacy, as well. Perhaps not like David's - but eternal none the less.
So, as I move into the next decade of my life, I plan to inquire more of the Lord and to wait on His answers and guidance. Not only an inquiring mind but an inquiring heart as well.
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