Isaiah 49: 6 "See I have engraved you on the palms of My hands; your walls are ever before Me."
I have been a nurse now for almost 30 years. One thing I know - nurses are nothing if not resourceful. Anyone who has been in the nursing profession for any length of time has, at one time or another written themselves a note on their hand. It may be a patient's vital signs, a note from a doctor to transcribe later, or just a reminder of something that needs to be done. Whatever it is, it is there so that something will be remembered. Sooner or later, the task will be completed and the note will be scrubbed off. Out of sight - Out of mind.
God, on the other hand (no pun intended), has not only written my name on His hand - He has ENGRAVED it there. He has chiseled Himself a constant, permanent reminder of ME into one of the tenderest parts of the body - the palm of the hand.
Questions Arise:
- How big must God's hands be that they hold the names of all of those He loves?
- How big must God's heart be that He wants to remember us so badly that He has cut our names into His hands?
- I wonder if those reminders are oddly in the shape of a nail scar?
God has made Himself a reminder that will never wash off. I am never out of His sight or out of His mind.
"Lord, I don't know if every individual's name is on your hands or if the nail scars serve as a reminder for all. Either way, it is unfathomable to me that You love me so much that You want to think of me always. It is so out of the reach of my understanding to even know how You think of every person at the same time! You are so much bigger than we can conceive and yet You love each individual and want to know us intimately. You are truly an amazing God!"
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